Loggerhead Shrike

Loggerhead Shrike
Loggerhead Shrike (from Wikipedia)

This is a Loggerhead Shrike. I saw one the other day, on a fence post. I like the masked eyes. Very mysterious, yes? Well, don’t let those eyes-behind-the-mask fool you. This bird means business. It’s known for using barbed wire or tops of chain link fences to impale its food. (I’m trying not to look out the window to see if there is anything “stored” on my chain link fence.)

“Loggerhead” refers to the size of its head, as it is quite large when compared to the rest of the body. Nothing to do with the logging industry, then? No.


Now Arriving

Hummingbird Feeder
Hummingbird Feeder

Now arriving in the central Texas area are hummingbirds, Barn Swallows and Purple Martins. Spring is definitely here.

We hung up our hummingbird feeder up on Wednesday and by Friday a hummingbird was feeding from it. On Sunday, there were three hummingbirds competing for the best feeding position.

Soon the Mexican Fruit Bats will return. The bats’ summer home is under the Ann W. Richards Congress Avenue Bridge in Austin. We haven’t had much rain, so the mosquitos will not be as plentiful. In low-rain weather patterns, it will be common for us to see them out here in the far reaches of the county, as they have to travel farther out to find enough food.
